Contamination Awareness
The implementation of site cleanliness programs should commence with contamination awareness training so that the introduced strategies are understood by all site maintenance personnel.Generally conducted over 1 or more sessions of 4 to 6 hour duration’s to capture all of the maintenance team, this course is designed to introduce all maintenance personnel to the requirements of contamination control and its impact on plant reliability.
Course Topics:
Contamination Fundamentals
- Introduction to contamination control
- Wear mechanisms
- Introduction to filtration
- ISO 4406 Cleanliness Code
Oil Sampling
- Sampling principles & techniques
- Sample locations
- Practical demonstration
Water Contamination
- Fundamentals of water contamination
- Effects of water contamination
- Measuring water in oil
- Removing water from oil
- Microscopic oil analysis, wear debris inspection,cleanliness levels, water analysis