Lubrication Management
A review and assessment of your site by a third party is often necessary to introduce industry best practice.
A fluid management audit is a valuable tool used to assess the current condition of lubricants, contamination control, maintenance practices and lubricant management practices.
A thorough site inspection is undertaken and the findings documented into a report that details the current lubrication management ‘health’ of the site along with recommendations to rectify identified shortcomings.
Once an action plan is documented Clean Lube Solutions can continue to assist with implementing recommendations including the prioritizing of tasks, competency assessments, training, work practices, consultation, product selection and sourcing & organising of contractors.
Specific areas included in the fluid management audit include some or all of the following:
- Lubricant supply, purchasing & consolidation
- Lubricant storage & handling
- Lubrication dispensing equipment & techniques
- Lubricant safety procedures & documentation
- Contamination control practices, techniques & equipment
- Oil & grease sampling techniques, frequencies, equipment & locations
- Oil analysis lab, tests, reports & recording
- Personnel competencies & training
- Cleanliness assessments of systems & new lubricants